15 May 2009

Glorious springtime

The farmer's market is pretty awesome lately. Look, lilacs! Never mind that they totally didn't last more than two days; they made the house smell great.

Look! Cultured farmer's cheese! I guess I'd better mix it with some minced pea shoots and pepper and a little milk to make it spready.

Look! Pea shoots! I picked them out of a big bag of mixed greens, which otherwise was full of tatsoi and mustard and all kinds of other tasty bits. Pea shoots are definitely worth finding, even if you find them by sprouting them yourself on the windowsill. That's a really good idea, actually. Fresh pea business!

Once I had the cheese all spready and herbified--pea shoots being so green and serious that they feel super herbal--I stuck it in the refrigerator to let everything meld a little. Then I steamed some green beans to eat with it. Voila: herby cheese dip with beans for dinner.

This worked well both as a straight up dip and as fodder for openfaced sandwiches on tasty sourdough. Man, I have to get more of that sourdough tomorrow.

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