08 November 2011

Apple cheddar bread

Apple cheddar breadIt is actually fall in California! Hooray!

To celebrate, I rediscovered baking.

Since the farmer's market sort-outs bin has been overflowing with hail-scarred apples, I decided to make Everybody Likes Sandwiches's apple cheddar bread. I subbed whole wheat flour for the all-purpose, but otherwise followed the recipe exactly as written.

I think it's important to measure your apples precisely for this recipe. I didn't measure mine, and almost certainly used about a third of a cup more than recommended. This made the inside of the loaf so damp that it had a hard time cooking through. So that's something to avoid. I think next time I'd also try baking individual bready dudes in a muffin tin, for optimal heat penetration and portability.

Apple cheddar breadStill, after some extra time in the oven, the bread turned out to be especially great for breakfast. Sticking slices in the toaster oven made them perfect: slightly damp and steamy in the middle, yet crispy and delicious on all sides.


  1. This looks like the perfect autumn bread!

  2. Ooo yum those toasted slices look sooo delicious. I was planning to make this bread then forgot, thanks for the reminder and tips!

  3. Yay! It is indeed great--make one!
