04 September 2012

My Labor Day weekend

labor day weekend grill: corn, scallions, red onion, lamb burger, chik patty

Hooray! Labor Day! No working! All play!

So this weekend we broke out the grill for the first time this summer. Now we're clearly going to want to grill every weekend for the duration of fall. Oh well. We live in California, where fall = summer = spring = winter anyway.

scallion, corn, and red onion, ready for grilling

We decided to grill several ears of corn, a thickly sliced red onion, some garden scallions, and sourdough buns, all brushed liberally with melted butter mixed with lemon juice, paprika, and cayenne. For the burger component, I defrosted one of my lamb burgers and John got himself a vegetarian chik patty.

our scallions are gigantic

Look at our gigantic scallions! Three feet tall and counting. They were the true bumper crop so far this year (but just wait--the tomatoes are about to start ripening in droves). We cut off the greens and saved them for future application. I have a sneaky plan for making scallion salt with some of them.

labor day weekend grill

Hooray! Tasty treats!

John displays the delicious post-grill booty.

John displays the labor day weekend grill


The corn was definitely the highlight of the day. I can't remember the last time I ate corn off the cob at all, let alone from the grill. It may have been when we last lived in Michigan--so that's, what, eight years ago? Eight years with no blistered spicy lemony grilled corn is not acceptable! We definitely need to remedy this. See above re: grilling all fall.

grilled corn, scallion, red onion, lamb burger, and spinach on sourdough bun with lemon-cayenne butter

It turned out to be impossible to just eat an entire grilled scallion. That's ok, though--it means we have a big container full of grilled scallion (and also one leftover ear of charred corn) in the fridge, ready to be cut up and used in other applications. Let's just say there may be some truly excellent scrambled eggs in our future.


  1. Those scallions! Wowza!

    Hooray for firing up the grill--it's never too late :)

  2. Tell me more about scallion salt, yum! And you are right that you have some amazing scrambled eggs in your future. :)

  3. Those scallions are HUGE!! WOW. Can't wait to see what you make with those. I can't live without summer corn either, it might be my favorite thing out of summer produce.

  4. Those scallions are amazing! And everything looks super yum :)

  5. All of that grilled goodness (especially that scallion) is inspiring! What a fabulous labor day feast. Thank you for sharing it with me!

  6. Holy hell, those scallions! Impressive!

    Even without California weather, grilling is so necessary year-round [although, I'm spoiled and have a covered grilling area...]!

  7. I love grilled corn! Looks like you grilled up quite a feast, and those scallions, amazing. We haven't grilled this summer either but then the weather in the UK has been more like winter so far!

  8. These scallions are indeed gigantic!
    Those grilled corns are my favourites.

  9. That's it...I am FORCING my dad to grill corn next time I'm over. I'm pretty sure I can't get through the rest of the summer without it!

  10. Sounds like a perfect meal for Labor Day. You're lucky you can grill all year long!

  11. omg LOOK AT THOSE SCALLIONS!!! that's crazy fabulous! can't wait to see what you got up to with them!
