03 October 2012

Roasted tomatoes and zucchini

roasting sungold tomatoes and zucchini

It's my birthday! We're going to watch the presidential debate and then go out to dinner. In the meantime, would you like to see the feast I made the other night?

As you know, our garden is still churning out lots of cherry tomatoes and zucchini. That means we still need to use them up in quantity. What better way to do this than through roasting?

When you roast tomatoes, they melt into delicious pockets of goo. When you roast zucchini, the edges brown and crisp, while the insides turn tender. The end result is a pan of tasty bites in a pool of amazing tomatoey juice--perfect for soaking into a bowl of rice, couscous, or quinoa. Yay!

Roasted sungold tomatoes and zucchini

sungold tomatoes (or any other good tomato)
zucchini (or summer squash of your choice)
olive oil
salt, pepper

Preheat your oven to 350F/175C while you chop up roughly equal amounts of tomatoes and zucchini. I halved my tomatoes, since they were tiny cherries, and chunked my zucchini. If you have gigantic beefsteak tomatoes, you can chop everything into slices or wedges. It's fine to cut whatever shapes you want; the most important thing is to make sure that all your pieces are of similar size, so they'll all cook evenly. Put your vegetables in a casserole dish of your choice.

Smash a few cloves of garlic with the flat of your knife, peel them, and chop them roughly. Strew these chunks over your tomatoes and zucchini. Splash everything with a few glugs of olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and mix it all up.

roasting sungold tomatoes and zucchini

You can see that my mixing skills were perhaps not the best ever. Oh well.

Put your pan of vegetables in the oven and roast until the tomatoes have collapsed and the zucchini is tender and browning around the edges. This took about 35 or 40 minutes for us. Rotate the pan once during cooking, but don't stir--to make sure the zucchini gets a little crispy on top, you want to avoid a complete soak in tomato juice.

Serve over the grain or pasta of your choice, and top with whatever you like best. I decided the best possible course of action was to strew the finished veg and juices over some steamed couscous and add a perfectly fried egg.

Hooray! A tasty and filling dinner that uses up a large chunk of garden produce.

roasted sungold tomatoes and zucchini with couscous and fried egg

(I have got to get a better nighttime photo-taking setup together now that the sun is down by the time we eat dinner.)

What last fruit (and veg) of summer are you rushing to eat?


  1. Happy Birthday - I hope you had a great dinner out!!!

  2. Happy birthday! What amazingness did you eat?

    My grandma dropped off a huge container of garden tomatoes. I'm so psyched to polish them off while the weather turns more and more fall-like.

  3. Happy birthday!!!

    Roasted tomato goo is my favorite kind. Love meals like this.

  4. Happy Birthday!!! :) Hope you had a fabulous day!

  5. Oh the romance of a birthday debate ;)

    Love that roasted goodness in a bowl! Put an egg on it!

  6. Basil! I'm making pesto tonight to freeze. Temperatures dropped today and I know its days are numbered.

  7. Yay! Thanks for all the great birthday wishes! Yes, debate-watching is absolutely the most romantic evening possible. :P We had an amazing (& unphotographed) dinner at Osteria in Palo Alto--hearts of palm salad and veal scaloppine with sauteed mushrooms and artichoke hearts. Recommended!

  8. Happy belated birthday!

    We've pretty much moved right into fall produce now, so mostly autumn squashes, are being eaten around here! Crazy to think that you've got tomatoes still going.

  9. Happy belated birthday to you, Eileen! I hope it was a great one.

  10. Pockets of goo, yum! Haha, I love roasted tomatoes but never feel like turning the oven on for them.
    Happy Birthday. Sounds like a good dish to age/ watch the debates to. I was trying to think of some Preseidentially themed food to make, but couldn't

  11. Happy belated birthday! This looks like a good way to celebrate. Nothing like roasted tomatoes in my book! Thank you for sharing!

  12. Happy belated birthday! I love a good bowl of roasted veggies with an egg on top, so simple and filling. Your dinner out sounded pretty fab too :)

  13. Happy birthday, Eileen!!! I hope there was cake or something like cake!

    I bought three baskets of mara des bois strawberries yesterday. And now there are only two.
