19 May 2013

Carrot pickle melange

black bean tacos with carrot pickles

So. PICKLES. I love pickles. You may have noticed me loving pickles over the past year or two as I merrily made pickled beets and refrigerator dills and curtido de repollo. If I ever form a band, it's going to be called Zesty Pickle, and the first single will be called Cronching. Okay?

This week it was time for carrot pickles, aka "the finest garnish to ever grace a taco."

I made my first-ever batch of refrigerator carrot pickles about a year and a half ago after reading about them on Budget Bytes. They were totally delicious and vanished in short order.

When I was making this batch, I realized I had a lonely half bunch of radishes sitting around unloved at the bottom of the crisper. Clearly, they needed the pickle treatment too, so I sliced them up and added them to my carrots, jalapenos, and red onion. The finished pickle is more or less a complete set of excellent taqueria-style garnishes, all crammed together into one beautiful jar. Perfect!

Side note: is it just me, or is everyone cooking their radishes lately? Roasts and braises and pan-fries and pickles...so tasteable.

carrots jalapenos red onion and radish ready for pickling

Spicy carrot, red onion, and radish pickles

1 cup water
2 cups vinegar
1 tsp salt
~15 grinds black pepper
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp cumin
5 carrots
1 red onion
1-2 jalapenos, depending on your spice preference
4 radishes

Combine everything except the vegetables in a 3-quart pot. Bring the pot to a boil, covered, while you trim and chop all your vegetables into whatever shapes you prefer.

carrot jalapeno red onion and radish pickles

When the pot is boiling, carefully add your chopped vegetables. Cook for about 5 minutes, or until the veg is all done to your preferred texture. Decant into warmed mason jars, lid, and put in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, voila! Pickle melange! This made about 3 pints.

So pretty! I especially love how bright pink the brine is. I'm guessing both the red onion and purple carrot help with that.

carrot jalapeno red onion and radish pickles

These guys are classic as a garnish on the taco, tostada, or burrito of your choice. They'd be great with fresh grilled corn (whenever corn makes its way into the market, that is). I have also been strewing them liberally over bowls of chili to excellent effect. Hooray for carrot pickles!

Have you been pickling anything lately?


  1. What a fun mix! Love all of those colors.

  2. I TOO love pickles! Radishes are another great taco garnish. Why did you boil the veg? I thought pickles didn't need to be cooked, or was it just to speed up the process?
    I've always wanted to make pickled red onions. They look so cool.

  3. It's true, the veg doesn't technically need to be cooked--but a little bit of quick cooking softens the carrots a bit and gives the jalapeno and onion flavors a good chance to permeate the brine. I haven't actually tried making this without cooking the veg, but now I might!

  4. Ohhhh pickled carrots! I've been wanting to make these for a while now, I have some carrots in my yard that are ready to be harvested I just haven't set aside the time for pickling them yet. you make it sound much more doable than I made it seem in my mind, so I think I am goign to finally give it a try this weekend! Maybe toss a couple on a nice memorial day weekend burger :)

  5. Um yes. I love pickles (and I love them even when I'm NOT pregnant). This melange is just gorgeous. All of those hues! All of those flavors. I wish I had some right now. THank you for sharing, Eileen!

  6. I've never tried pickling anything but if ever I was going to be convinced this is it. Those lovely bright, vibrant colours look so mouthwatering. The method is much easier than I thought it would be too. Also, you should totally start a band ;)

  7. I hafta agree, pickled veg on tacos is THE way to go. You'll always find them at authentic Mexican taquerias. I like sauteing my radishes in butter. I think it sorta mellows the spiciness of radishes (more for people that don't like it spicy, I LOVE them spicy!) and luxes them up a bit. Jason enjoys them better this way too.

  8. I need several jars of this in my fridge at all times!

  9. Those colors are just stunning! Yum!

  10. I have some ho hum tofu tacos in the fridge and they would definitely be spruced up by some pickled carrots! love this idea!

  11. Oh I swoon! I could live off pickles (and nut butter/chocolate. Balanced diet, you know. ;) )

  12. What would I need to do to make these safe to can
