12 May 2013

We have been eating

fried rice with zucchini carrot and mushroom

Like everyone who writes a foodblog, I make and eat a lot of food I don't write about. Let's look at some of it!

I was excited enough about zucchini that I made and ate not only two separate instances of zucchini tacos, but also a pan of fried rice. Green onion, mushroom, carrot, zucchini, leftover brown long-grain rice, and egg. I mixed the onion greens and some chopped cilantro in at the end, then scattered the plate with little bits of parmesan. Yes please.

goan black-eyed pea curry

I got super excited a couple weeks ago when I saw this recipe for Goan black-eyed pea curry on Girl Cooks World. So I cooked up a batch, and we ate it for dinner, and was it ever good. SO good. It's absolutely going in the rotation.

Next time I think I might shred a couple carrots and add them near the end of cooking, to up the vegetable content and add another textural element. Or maybe I'll serve it over a big plate of barely blanched spinach tossed with a little melted butter instead of rice. Either. Both. I don't know!

avocado toast and cottage cheese with chopped cilantro

And finally, because I don't know about you, but I totally bought an entire two pound bag of tiny avocados a few weeks ago, we have AVOCADO TOAST. I just sliced up half an avocado, put it on a piece of hot toast, and added a sprinkle of salt and pepper. With a little bowl of cottage cheese with chopped green onion and cilantro, it was a perfect breakfast.


What have you been cooking, photographing, eating with great gusto, and then never posting about? You guys must have all kinds of delicious business that never sees the light of day too, right?


  1. The stuff you don't post is waaay better than the stuff I don't post. GREG

  2. Oh, don't worry--there are also lots of grilled cheese sandwiches, toaster oven quesadillas, and meals eaten straight from the pickle jar going around at our house. :)

  3. Yup, definitely making that black eyed pea curry soon - looks amazing! Just need to figure out the ratio with dried beans...

    Mmm and that avocado toast looks fantastic too. Yay for simple snacks!

  4. Avocado toast always wins. And curry. Yes, I have a major backlog of stuff that is delicious and beautiful but has taken a backseat to other meals, then I get so backed up it's hardly timely or pertinent and dies a sad but delicious death only known in saved gigabytes.

  5. So this is the second time I've seen someone do the avocado toast/cottage cheese combo. I need to make this asap! It looks so creamy and delicious. Your fried rice looks heavenly too. Now I'm inspired for the next few days :) Thank you for sharing Eileen!

  6. Avocado toast in the morning makes me all swoony! Some cottage cheese and a big fat cup of coffee is the best way to start a day.
    Also: the stuff I don't post? Usually it's because I made it, ate it, and find I have nothing to say other than "good!" so it gets shelved indefinitely. ah well.

  7. This all looks so good, especially the curry. Avocado on toast is one of my go to lunches. I know what you mean, during the week I never think to whip the camera out, I'm just too busy trying to get a meal after work. :)

  8. Eileen, it was fun to see what you're eating these days. So much good stuff! I too love avocado toast and eat it at least twice a week.
    Since I've been doing serious recipe testing for my book, I'm cooking the same recipes over and over and over. I think it will be fun to get back to loose playing in the kitchen and trying other people's recipes. That black eye pea curry looked up my alley.

  9. Avocado toast sounds delicious, makes me think of those couple of avocados resting in my kitchen now! :)

  10. I love reading about the random things that people eat but don't post! I have quite a bit of that also...but usually it's stuff that isn't quite good enough to make it to the blog!
