30 November 2014

Thanksgiving in pictures

Thanksgiving in pictures: delicata squash with thyme

Thanksgiving in pictures: mashed potatoes and massaged kale salad

Thanksgiving in pictures: corrots, turnips, onion, fennel, cauliflower, ready for roasting

Thanksgiving in pictures: two vegan roasts!

Thanksgiving in pictures: plenty of roasted squash

Thanksgiving in pictures: whole wheat no-knead rolls

Thanksgiving in pictures: my 100% vegan Thanksgiving dinner

And that's what a 100% vegan Thanksgiving looks like. Delicious, as always.

Somehow I did not get a picture of the pie. (Probably because we were all too busy eating it.)

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend!


  1. While I'm a meat lover, I really cannot get enough vegetables on Thanksgiving. They're easily my favorite. There a bunch of braised greens on the table this year, which made me so happy!

    You have such a colorful plate. So awesome.

  2. So pretty! Love that first squash pic.
