We have been all about the cauliflower lately, so I took one of the two in the refrigerator, cored it, and chopped it into pieces. Yes, we had two cauliflowers--what's wrong with that? There are two of us!
I scrubbed, trimmed, and chunked up three or four carrots before mixing them with the cauliflower. Then I tossed everything with red wine-dijon vinaigrette, spread all the veg evenly in two baking dishes (our regular casserole dish was too small), and threw it all into the 375F oven for about 40 minutes.
Voila: plenty of tasty roasted veg with satisfying crispy brown edges! Eat it with:
- A big vat of stew or soup of your choice.
- A tasty savory sloppy joe-style sandwich, of either a meaty or a lentily variety.
- Baked bbq tofu or tempeh. Bonus: cook everything at once!
- A roast, if you eat, you know, roasts. Double cook everything at once bonus!
Love roasted veggies! And cauliflower is SO good roasted when you let the edges get a bit black yummmmmmmm. Also, I should really roast my veggies in casserole/baking dishes. I always use my cooking sheet and it's such a pain to clean.
This is precisely why I don't roast my veg on cookie sheets. OMG, the cooked-on oil! Although I suppose you could use parchment paper...
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