Until now, I've usually used quinoa as a base for a big spoonful of curry or stir-fry. It hasn't been a component part of cooking, not least because I'm usually steaming it while making something else. With cooked quinoa on hand, ready to throw into whatever comes to mind, my array of recent food has become much more interesting. I think I'm going to have to make pancakes next. Pancakes with a handful of quinoa, yogurt, parsley, and a finely shredded carrot mixed into the batter.
Or I could make some more of this:
olive oil
red onion
cooked black beans/broth
additional veg broth/water
sage, thyme, salt, pepper
cooked quinoa
fresh parsley
hot sauce if you like it
This one is super easy. Warm a little olive oil in the bottom of a big soup pan. Chop up some red onion and soften it over medium heat. I used half a big red onion; other kinds of onion would be fine. Peel and chop a handful of carrots--I used four--and add them to the pan. Give the business a pinch of salt and a few shakes of thyme and sage, turn the heat up a little, and cook for another five minutes, shaking up the pan occasionally. You want the carrots to start to show a little browning and caramelization from the heat of the metal. At that point, add your beans. I probably used about a cup and a half of frozen beans and broth, plus a little water to bring up the liquid level. If you're using canned beans, drain the can and use some water or veg broth for the liquid instead. Anyway. Bring the business to a simmer, salt and pepper, and let cook for at least five or ten minutes, more if you feel like it.
When everything is completely tender, correct any seasonings and take the pan off the heat. You can either choose to eat is as-is or pulverize it with an immersion blender. Eat with quinoa and chopped parsley for earthy-crunchy deliciousness. I had mine with copious amounts of seventynine cent hot sauce, for ultimate awesome.
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