a handful of blackberries
a handful of frozen banana pieces
a couple of ice cubes
a splash of water so it will actually blend
Put in blender. Blend. Eat/drink.
I find the blackberry business a bit harder to take than other fruity blended concoctions. I don't own any straws, so I end up sort of half-chewing my way through...seeds. Lots of seeds. I think that for further blackberry smoothies I will have to employ a strainer.
Also, have I mentioned that I hate the word "smoothie"? Ugh.
I have to figure out what to eat for lunch now. No ideas so far. This probably indicates a default Middle Eastern platter of some kind.
Me too. It's an unpleasant word, reminiscent of the 80's; crass and anti-aesthetic.
we will all simply have to immediately begin using "smoosie" instead.
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