There's kind of a lot of fruit in the refrigerator, so I did something out of character. I scooped the flesh out of half a melon, then hulled and halved six or eight strawberries. They went into the blender. So did a couple of ice cubes.
Thirty seconds later, I was pouring myself an entire pint glass of strawberry-cantaloupe smoothie. I ate it for lunch. It was great.
For most of July I plain didn't have any appetite, and it wasn't even that hot here. Our theory is that I've reacting against the recent unfortunate frequency of restaurant food. Grease and salt and heavy-textured sauces, either cream or cornstarch: gross. My palate couldn't take it anymore.
I could take the smoothie, though. I made another one a few days later, with the same ingredients plus some chopped chard. It was similarly great. Today when I went to the farmer's market I brought home three pints of blackberries for $3. I have three overripe bananas cut up and stored neatly in the freezer. We still have strawberries and cantaloupe. I'm clearly going to be eating (drinking?) more of these.
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