Harvest ~ Ham Pie Sandwiches

31 August 2010


So this is what happens when you don't transplant the zucchini into a much bigger container: all your zucchini turn out the size of your little finger. So sad, but so delicious nonetheless. I ate this one raw.

The cherry tomatoes, on the other hand, are doing splendidly. There's a good handful sitting on the edge of my kitchen counter right now, waiting for me to make an executive decision about when, where, and how to eat them. I was considering making these oven-dried sungolds in olive oil, which look like perhaps the most exciting tomatoes in the land...but I keep eating mine, picking them off one by one, such that we certainly don't have enough to fill up a fill baking pan or (by the transitive property!) a quart jar. I may go ahead and dry what I have anyway. Come on, self! It only requires self-control and olive oil!

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